
Tim Liu

First of all, please visit https://timingliu.com if you do not know me yet.

Why did I start this website

This website will just be a collection of literature that I have enjoyed over the past few years. Plus some I wrote, perhaps. I realise that I have not shared that much about the cultural aspects that influenced my personal growth, and I hope to find some friends who click on the same cultural code. In any case, working with this minimalist website has been a real pleasure.

At the moment, I am not sure whether it is a great idea to combine content on this website with my main personal website. My main website contains some of my personal reflections, but those are more rational in nature. In contrast, the content here is much more personal. Since the main website was also used as a portfolio of my projects, I would rather separate the two for now.

Besides, this website is intended to be bilingual because I read and write literature work in both English and Chinese. In contrast, the main website is an English website because I do reflections in English and I do not have the time to put up an equally professional counterpart in Chinese as of now.

The technical reason for starting this website is the following: the academic theme that my main website currently runs on has bilingual options, but because I built the website 2 years ago, I need to update the theme to fix the bugs with the bilingual set-up, and since the theme is quite complicated and has frequent breaking updates, I am not super keen to stay updated to its latest version. The minimalistic theme xmin created by Yihui is zen-like and serves the purpose. Hadley Wickham said that updating the package is like doing renovation/maintenance in a building. To me, each person should have an office that undergone frequent renovation to show the best outlook, but also a temple that stays as it is.

Of course, I have enjoyed much more content than what is available here. I used to have a collection of OneNote notes for this purpose, but it is difficult to share and not as storable as markdown files. I am thus still updating it (slowly)…

When not specified, work is not mine… If you want to use my own work, please let me know (so we can make friends).